& leafles[s] poplars at head looked like grey cloud had settled the Can [canyon] sloped upward to the sky broadened lightly with forest trees dark against the red & brown rocks
Clouds purple above hovering like red spirals over desert guarding the pass. The view down had an exquisite picture of the curving shore of [meadow] & [mtns] [mountains] blue far [light] & groves of the tree [lower] basins showing their graceful spines in frost against the lake & blue
mtns & blue sky
The Can [canyon] walls white with first snow.
The snow showing the sculpture of walls crimson & purp [purple] of [ ] wild rose lvs [leaves] branching V shaped growing like ferns fine purp [purple] of in [ ] willows at head beautifully the [vast] [broke] precipices some like huge sea weeds roots where top of gl [glacier] was give [data] of depths of
The Mono gl [glacier] where it reached out to lake was like a [grand]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist