picturesque in old age very graceful & [ ] spruce like in [habit] in mid age & strictly balance & properly behaved in youth
It is closely related to [Monticola] & Lambert yet well defined as separate species & most graceful of all pines
Measured one about 5 ft [feet] dia [diameter], 100 ft [feet] h [high]
The S F [South Fork] at elevation of 9700 divides into many branches that run up to the gls [glaciers] & [neves] of noble amphitheatre
of [lofty] mts [mountains] [forming] glorious fountain for the brave young [river]
Observed the most intensely lovely of all cloud effects in can [canyon] at Fork the blue vault was [soon] to be inhabited by a constantly increasing company of the [gauziest] film clouds that ever sailed on mtn [mountain] wind. These were fibrous, semitransparent & filled with curiously curled [pits] as if [bulged] up from beneath by many cones of [ascending]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist