"February-April 1909, Arizona Trip Image 19" by John Muir


John Muir


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25th Fine [cabin] [cld] [ ] work on specimens etc. 24 to 1st & 2nd F with [ ] v [very] [calm] 23 To 1st & 2nd F [ ] v cold & windy then bright. 22 N F with Mr & Mrs [Simpson] & wife stormy [sand] 21 [afoot] to [ ] F with [ ] etc. 20 storming. Sprinkle snow 19 Wind storm with Brailey & wife 18 working 17 Trying to get [train] to take bedding [etc.] to camp in North F. Mrs. Averil, 2317 S. Clara St. Keith, 2207 Atherton [St] Mr. Joseph J. Perkins, Attorney at Law, Santa Barbara, Cal. Send Stickeen Caslon Thompson 3100 No. Griffin Av. Los Angeles

Mr. H. C. Champlin c/o Hotel Coronado, Coronado Beach Cal. send Stickeen for Mr. Logan Frederick G. Leonard 600 No. Soto St, Los Angeles Cal. (Sierra Club) Mrs. J. D. Hooker 1435 Willard St. [ “Masonic”] car (no. 6) “Hayes” [car] (no. 6) To corner of Willard St. and Parnassus, Telephone Park 6419 Mary Hutchinson 1345 Webster St., Palo Alto. Prof. C. B. Bradley, University of Cal. Berkeley

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

