
Tax Dist [Mucronulatum] Scattered over Eastern & S Mex near streams & farms extensive forests on mtn [mountain] slopes, is best known by a few individuals of grt size. The largest at [Tule] [46 ft ] 104 ft cir [circumference] at 5 ft. greatest dia [diameter] 40 & least 20. 150 h 141 spread of head The Cypress of Montezuma 170 h – 40 to 50 cir near Chapultepec. Santa Fe A.M. 6.51 & 10.22
Marian O. Hooker 1550 Haight St. Bruning note $5382 dated July 10/06 Int 7-1/2 % paid Aug 8, 1907 on acct $200x $180 pd per Tinning Jan 6/08 $650 pd [per] MacKenzie March 1908 [outlaws] Aug 13, 1910. Dr. E. L. Conger 44 South Orange Grove Ave. Pasadena Mrs. Louise T. W. Conger 506 N. Raymond Ave Mrs. A.R. Dickey 1477 Locust St. Dubuque, Iowa Mrs. E. H. Harriman 1 East 69th Street New York City
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist