
Very fine air. Delightful after constant rain, [mud], cloud & fog in [ ] [some] Christmas. All this desert & plateau region from Mohave to New Mexico has delightful air. Tho [Though] wind & sand storms are serious affairs at times. Arrived at [ ] at 10 AM Feb 16th. Fine day. Sparkling of snow v [very] beautiful aboou Flagstaff this morning. Feb 17 good bright bracing weather. Trying to get team to take bedding & provisions to to North Forest. Feb 18 Mr. Newman agreed to get to N [North] Forest tomorrow. Feb 19. Went to 1st Forest with Mr. & Mrs. Bramby. A cold dismal sandstorm. Feb 20 High wind cldy [cloudy] like snow. Went to Sigillaria F [Forest] [with] & Armstrong sandstorm made my face smart. [Feb 21] = At last Mr. Newman offered [ ] to go to Robbers Roost with camp but [ ] [up] now that [ ] is about Slight sprinkle of snow. Feb 22nd. Ground white in the morning. Snowing lightly. Most of the inhabitants [declared] it would snow all day. But Went to North F [Forest] & had good day. Snow all melted by noon. Had Mr. & Mrs. Simpson with me. Capital companions. At luncheon at Robbers Roost by fire of juniper & cercocarpus. Had fine view of forest back ground rosy red & beautiful sculpture true part of the painted desert. As fine & as interesting as the Grand Canyon. So says the Simpsons. Wld [would] be well north visiting even were there no petrified forests. Wandering about my old camp, found good specimens of lepidodendron etc. Sprinkle of snow on way home. Arrived at 6. Started 10
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist