
Bank. Called on General Bragg of Wisconsin, Consul United States. Then took chairs to Botanic Garden and then to tramway to Hotel on the peak for lunch. Mr. Rebur, a West Pointer of 2 wars, now civil engineer, engaged on railroad above Canton. Got his trunks on Canton steamer and then can came back with me to the Bayern. He sails at 5:00 P.M., a pleasant companion, sorry he is leaving us. Sail today at noon for Singapore. Charming sail up the harbor and around the Hongkong Island. Land mountainous, in sight all day. Weather delightful. Sunset clouds along coast black and sooty cumuli - like trees in India ink. September 17th. Lovely blue (deep) of the water. Sooty black cumuli in tall masses, crags and jags firm in outline, and tall as compared with width. Sheet lightning throbbing beneath them. A rainbow now and then with isolated showers. September 18th. Dark, rainy, sea with only small white caps. Smooth comfortable sailing. Then inky cumuli compared with the white and purple-domed quick swelling cumuli of the Sierra, are like massy granite domes and mountains compared with volcanic cones and crests. How pleasant a home is this ship. Will be sorry to leave it, fellow passengers polite and kind, especially the Germans. One has been in Yosemite this spring a few days before the President. Asked me if I had seen the Muir Glacier. Was greatly surprised to find my name. A number of rich Chinese merchants with servants, one small-footed wife walks leaning on servant. These Chinese speak English and are very polite and careful to give full morning salutations.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist