"August-November 1903, World Tour, Part III Image 14" by John Muir


John Muir


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September 13th. Sunday, warmer, sea calm. Many large dragon flies darting about ship, strong-winged sailors of the sky, might easily cross from continent to continent. Beautiful coast fringed with islands. September 14th. Charming weather, beautiful color of sea. The coast carved into innumerable islands of picturesque form, some mountainous rising back of each other with fainter blue atmosphere, like Alaska Fairyland, glorious mountains along coast and reach far inland. Swarms of fish junks. The scenery more and more picturesque until we enter a long fiord beset with innumerable hills and mountains for walls, up which a Chinese pilot guides us to dock and Hongkong, or rather on opposite side of harbor from Hongkong. (arrive about 7 p.m.) The lights along the Hongkong shore and reaching far up the heights back of the town. Not in rectangular street rows, but scattered or in clusters like stars in the sky produced an effect I’ll never forget. The outlines of the famous peak were not visible, and the lights of many colors seemed to belong to the sky. September 15th. A great harbor, room for all the ships of the Orient and indeed here are specimens of the ships of all nations bound everywhere, amid which Chinese junks and sampans swarm like ugly dragon moths. Go ashore with Mr. Rebur. Call at O & O and Pacific mail agency for word about Harriman, but receive none, though cabled this morning. 16th. September 16th. Went to

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 11 x 16.5 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

