"August-September 1897, Trip with Sargent and Canby to Alaska Image 18" by John Muir


John Muir


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J. R. Anderson. Dept of Agriculture Victoria B.C. Donawuk Silereye [silvereye]. Russian gave him silverbound spectacles. His picture in Partige [Partridge] Collection Friend of missions. A few small gls at Yale and Lun, and then on to and thro’ Selkirks and Rockies. Shusnap lakes beautiful. Mtns in grand ranks and groups all the way. Glacial channel followed by rroad. Forests nearly all burned on the mtns, more than 50 per cent of all in sight from train. Tress small, spruce Thuya, a few yel pine and contorta, hemlock, and Monticola. The latter also in woods between Seattle and Junction. Aspen, cottonwood, birch, alder, small maple, many of them already scarlet; cottonwood with underside lves so white, turned up looks in white bloom. Linnea, Goldenrod v tall, showing sonchus, deeply lobed lvs on way from Seattle to Junction. Pleasant to see eagerness of tourists feasting on scenery. Left home August 7, ’97. Arrived at Banff morning of 11. Left same day for Laggan and Thuya lakes. Louis, Mirror, and Agnes. Fine

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

