"August-September 1897, Trip with Sargent and Canby to Alaska Image 17" by John Muir


John Muir


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forest we rode through pine, spruce, Larch, the 2d small 60 ft h, thinly branched, drooping leaves, pale pea green feathery branches well scraggly when old. 18 in dia largest. Stay all night in chalet at Lake Louise. Walk t Laggan 3 ms. Aug 12. Take train for Glacier, arrive at 3 P.M. Take walk to the glacier 3 ms through fine forests of Eng ad Alba spruces. Thuya and tall albicaulis pine, one of wh had the handsomest bole ever saw. Hemlock, Paton, and Mertens, fine undergrowth, ferns, rubus arcti, dwarf cornel, huckleberry, etc., rubus nutkanus. 13 Aug. Walk to other small gl thro’ still finer forest of same trees; huckleberries ripe, tiny rubus arcticus mostly in fruit, red globules, a few in flower, white. Enormous avas on these atns as well as fires to kill forests; whole mtns sides swept bare. At 9 P.M. took train to Vancouver, arrived at 7 P.M. Aug 14. Aug 14. Long stretch of dry ground along Thompson river sage brush like desert between Rocky and Coast Range. Aug. 15. Grand walk of 6ms in park, immense trees, cedar, spruce, Sitchensis, Douglas, hemlock, maple, cherry, dogwood, gaultheria, huckleberry, rubus nutkanus, etc. Much of best Douglas cut yrs ago. Most of the surrounding mtn forests burned and cut. Sail at 3 P.M. for Victoria.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

