"August-September 1897, Trip with Sargent and Canby to Alaska Image 3" by John Muir


John Muir


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However blessed the ministry of wealth may be while reason rules. And now remaineth these three, greatest of these Klondike. Should keep the stuff in place; diggin’ gold only doing a chore. Better gold stay in the ground than that it should get into the blood. Wild excitement compared with wh digging frozen ground is rest. Actual digging calm, labor never shows its beneficent influence more than in calming fever and insanity of gold. Already gold - laden suffer the miseries of ere the shovel is touched. Not a cool head in the lot. Gold is a supreme medicine for inaction, but many killed in the curing. California is still the gold miner’s paradise. Prospectors advance civilization. Let them try their prentice hands in the safe and comfortable gold valley of Sierra. Lo here, lo there, all money statis have gold harvest heaven every yr. Peru, California especially and northward. In B C after all the excitements of Cantas and Lillooet districts, Kootenay, Klondyke steady increase of output and extension of work over the greater areas.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

