
John Muir


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Tuesday, March 10, 1896

Fine bright day. Went to Martinez

Roads hard & smooth

Wednesday 11

Lovely calm balmy day

Thursday 12

Balmy sunny leaf-growing day

The oaks with varying tones yellow brown & green making delightful pictures on the hills

A few of the blueoaks not yet in leaf

Buds just beginning to open, a few are open & male flrs [flowers] in full fringe. Went to Barber's hills

Friday, March 13, 1896

Clear but cooler. Foggy at Martinez. Faint filmy white clds [clouds] - slight change towards rain

X In the afternoon L [Louie] & I were over the Barber hills the surveyor - culling off 20 acres for F. Braun.

Saturday 14

Cloudy with slight showers. Went to the city to attend meeting of Directors of Sierra Club.

X Passed resolutions against diminishing area of Forest Reservations as is being attempted by the sheepmen of Oregon, & telegraphed them to the Sec. [Secretary] of Interior.

Informed the club that a noble commission had been appointed by the National Academy of Sciences to study forestry affairs & report to the Sec. [Secretary] of Interior

Sunday 15

X Rainy all day & most of night

X Mr George accepts offers as to waterworks in Valona

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 18 x 21 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
