
John Muir


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May Wednesday 8 1895 Clear but cold wind from west all day. It is howling tonight & rattling windows. The [Rennies] left for Monterey this morning. Gave them copy of my book. There is a peculiar charm in the manners of the Scotch & a peculiar worth & steadfastness in their character.

Thursday 9 Fine dry sunny day. The ground rapidly losing its moisture owing to high wind of yesterday. The water nearly all gone from the ditches in the meadow. Peaches larger than walnuts. White cherries beginning to ripen. They are about 10 days late for record. Filed deed & mortgage of J. Brill. Received $250 interest from J [Ipswich] The Jew merchant & money mill is a wolf. Contemplating a slow debtor the other day his eyes glared in a perfectly ferocious way & his muscles of the jaws set themselves in a crushing spasm that bodes ill for Brill.

Friday 10 Warm calm hazy in the distance. Went to Rodgers ranch to finish clearing & planting. Hot PM. Said to be very hot in SF [San Francisco]. Vines growing rapidly. The wind of Wednesday said to have proven very destructive to pears. Bartletts will be a light crop, so also cherries & apricots.

Saturday 11 Hot morning & day & evening. Went to the city. Brought Goldsmith poems & essays. Read Cowleys essay on liberty on way down. Bought 1000 cherry drawers & one ton sulphur. The views of the San Pablo & Suisana Bays were delightful in colors, like fairyland. Sunday 12 Fine clear balmy day. I was up to [Lovetts] & saw charming Ruth Parkhurst.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 20 x 27 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
