March Wednesday [27] 22 Fine day but cold. The ground too wet for working. The pears coming into bloom. Some of the peach in full bloom, others past. Cherry opening. Prunes in full bloom. Apricots formed. No damage from frost as far as I can see yet.
Wednesday 27 Cold & rainy. Very high wind rattling windows.
Thursday 28 Clear & cool. Beautiful silvery haze on Mt. Diablo this morning, on it & over it. Outlines melting, wonderfully luminous, a glorious show. A light shower this afternoon & promise of frost, high wind & very cool.
Friday 29 Fine clear day of rather thin & cool sunshine somewhat like the kind one finds at sea. No frost. Wrote to mother, Mr. George & Mrs. Kelly. Wood choppers began work this morning. Also the Young Silva.
Saturday 30 Clear. The foliage of the woods on the hills now charmingly fresh & beautiful & the grass green. The scenery of our valley at its best. The Kellogg oak with yellow green foliage is now nearly in prim. The first to put forth its leaves. The Douglas & lobata also yellow-green & purplish in foliage but less lively in color & later in putting forth leaves, they are not yet full grown. The live oak is brown with its leaves & shoots & blossom. New pea green foliage of buckeye has fine effect. The first of all to appear.
Sunday 31 Clear mostly
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 20 x 27 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist