
The glowing white clds blending softly with the glowing snow sifted with tempered sunshine, making a light ineffably fine, giving bright and soft. Took walk over on n side the river this momrning, and had good view of river reach and the sandy gravelly plain sloping gently from the comparatively low 1500 ft hills and vals forming n wall. This is term or material cut thro’ by river and cross cut by small flood streams. Found chamoegatiae, calochortus 27 inches l, clarkia and perennial violet on sand; also a fine gilia wide spreading slender branches and large flrs. Val ¾ m wide here. Sketch: Cross section of Kings R Yo. A fine grove of large tall yel and sugar p and libo, chiefly with sliver fir near, and a few kellog oaks, massed in groups, open sunny lanes and spaces of every form about and between them; the ground covered with the grasses, sedges,dandelion,gilia,sparaguea, etc., strawberry; mead below cabin white dotted with polygnum. Fist view gen of val walls on approaching 8100 ft; also from here grand view of mid f divide, its pks and broad spacious vals as they descend to river, also of forest of basin down wh dividing ridge of wh we
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist