
some of ava snow still unmelted at 5500 ft. Brewers penstemon in flr in canon, cheilanthus, fendlin and gracillium common, nut pine common on slopes of canon , taking place of live oak to great extent, hanging over rapids. Wild cherry not yet in bloom, Garry_common. Sugar p remarkably large in rough canon rocks as well as in flats. Saw boulder 100 ft long, fine piece for monument. Trend main valley below main forks W 10 N Below Miner’s Cr k 565 W Alt at mouth Miner’s Crk 5000. Fine tufts of Pel densa and mucro fringing rocks in the n canon, also cheil -gracillama and fendleri; sedum in flr on same rocks and honeysuckle, cardamin, small clover and mimulus making mat of hanging gardens. V large sugar p on boulders, their roots swollen and knotted trying to accommodate themselves to situation like live oak and yel p and alder. Measured Libocedius 27 ft dia across toes. The upper end of main valley is sandy granite gravel and a few large boulders scattered that had rolled at a time of earthquake, not much sunken showing slight
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist