3 highest 3000 or a little higher. Nothing could be more striking than the contrast |0| [between] the raw crumbling [deforested] [portions] of the mtn [mountain] with a quarry that was being worked & the forested with its sumptuous cushion of flr [flower] enameled mosses & happy birds & bees marmots life & death, desolation & [perfect] vital hopeful beauty. Gentians 3 [Erigerons] anemone, larkspur columbine [ ] [ ] & 4 other ferns, ledum
2nd day July 12. 10.20 A.M. (omit) Station ½ m [mile] E of Mid Island opposite mid of 2 main [ ] Stake No 1 in line with southmost of 2 large boulders & the N.most of 3 vert [vertical] line-like ravines on Gray Mtn [mountain] Also a prominent seam nearly vert [vertical] on Mid Island |0| [between] the 2 main [divines] is in line |0| [between] the 2 most prominent seams on Gray Mtn [mountain] [sketch: Mid Island, vertical seams on Island, 1 2 3]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist