58 Aug 20th 1878. Ascending Mt. Arc Dome 11500 ft high highest point of Toiyabe R [range] Here are 2 small lakes (mor [moraine]) observed 2 others wh [which] have been filled up with downwashed detritus. Rock [volcano] more recent. Glacial phenomena quite marked notwithstanding the crumbling unresisting character of rock. One small residual gl [glacier] lingered on NE mors [moraines] tree planted but well preserved. Next to Mt. Jeff [Jefferson] the most distinctly gl [glacial] in sculpture of all the basin mtns [mountains] here yet seen. Only 1 fern at all common in Nevada Cistopteris [Cystopteris] & it is found only on the best watered mtns [mountains] Here found Pellaea Breweri for first time E [east] of Sierra. At elevation of 10200 ft. The so-called white pine quite ab [abundant] & well formed. Young trees handsome erect but
59 inclined to branch near base old trees quite picturesque long out-sweeping branches up-curved like those of monticola somewhat parallel at top – bark gray on trunks. Purple & white on younger trunks & branches 2 to3 ft dia [diameter] 40 ft high [sketch] Sericocarpus at elevation of 9000 ft 2 ft dia [diameter] many 12 to 18 inches 15 ft high. 3 species of Ribus 1 Rubus. Clematis in the stream tangles Fine roses, alders, Balm Gilead willow. The canons opening to Monitor Val [valley] obstructed by outer range of v [very] hard [lava] [wh] with cleavage like Meta Slate. [Thereform] v [very] narrow & angular wh [which] confine the flood waters Rise 50 ft - rills 4 ft wide at ordinary stages. Carry bowlders [boulders] 100 tons out to plains.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist