"May-August 1876, South Dome Ridge, etc. Image 12" by John Muir


John Muir


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(Lake Tenaya Cont’d) On 3 sides the [ ] mtns all [this] Sculpted [ ] is in blackness Yet the white gls [glaciers] visible & here & there bosses glowing [with] [there] cool moonlight. The lake [with] its rocky [ ] & [ ] well defined its depths pictured with the reflected mtns its [surface] just [sufficiently] tremulous to make no reflected stars [wave] like water [lilies] – in a woodland pond. The starry sky [arking] view from cliff to cliff Ursa Major on top of the [vall]. The [crescent] moon all hushed [soon] the [wave] & rush of of the gl [glacier] strm [stream] descend a thousand ft into the lake. Huge glaciated bosses their [adamanting] surfaces [sweetly] adorned by the blooming bryanthus--The flap & [flick]


of my fire – Illumining a a clump of mtn [pine] Later the night wind begins to flow & [sighs] over rock & through the [clumpy] trees The rush of the water fall now blending with the wind & the fire.

The little illumined circle with its mats of bryanthus grass [reeds], and boulders ,& glowing on the [glaciated] bosses the mysterious impressions of every sight & sound. The sinking of the so called busy world. the vital sympathy of the very god world.

The [curving ] [moraines] Dam [tunnel] stretching from rocky perch- [alone] [ ] to Eastmost of [Starr] King dome

Found [Gentiana] samples on gl [glacier] pt [point] ridge 6500 ft

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

