"May-August 1876, South Dome Ridge, etc. Image 11" by John Muir


John Muir


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22 96 -- per 2 inches 63 –1 in[ch] 32 –[1 inch] 44 – 1 [inch] 342 6 ½ [inches] Tree 3 ½ ft 424 Sug [Sugar] pine near gl [glacier] pt [point] 3-9 ½ in [inch] dia [diameter] Limb of above [30] ft from ground 305 yrs old 7 ¼ [in] dia [diameter]

Monticola 415-15 inches of Connate trunk 24-7 in [inch] cir[circumference], on Shoulder Red Mtn [Mountain] 10000 ft ele [elevation]

[Flex] 2 ft dia [diameter] 345 Montic[ola] dead 690- to within 5 m [miles] [Nollan] Centre

Flex 385 13 inches dia [diameter] – on Ill [Illilouette] Lake

Will Spruce 525- 3-6 [inch] dia [diameter] between Red & Black mtn alt [altitude] 10300

Flex 255. 3 ½ inch dia [diameter] 3 ft high a mass of heath like tassels crowded together into mat 10700

Flex 426. Do [Ditto] as above 6 in [inch] dia [diameter]

23 Juniper – 160 yr growth 3/8 of inch thick 220 276 363 859

Circum [Circumference] 19-2 in [inch] The first 15 ½ inches 859 wood rings 300 yds from North Shore of Lake Ten [Tenaya]

Flex 360 – 8 in [inch] dia [diameter] 6 ft high Red Mtn [P] Magnifica [ ] 4-6 dia [diameter] 284. Old [lightening] [split] 2-9 [diameter] 210.

Juniper N [North] of St [Starr] King 1140- 9 ft cir [circumference] “ “ perhaps more

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

