
so plain & so generally believed is people who halt long enough to think at all that it seems [idle] to dwell upon it Yet nevertheless rest is practically ignored & restless toil has become a disease Civilized people are fond of laws & men are elected to make them by the 10,000 [ ] Why not make laws of rest It should be regarded as criminal for any human being to be found in the moil mills of cities in the [annual ] rest days. Compulsory education for the development of good worthy citizens is good. Comp [Compulsory] recreation is better How many rejoice in centennial freedom who are yet [bound] in terrible bondage Means of escape from town seem so [perfect] navigable seas & rivers & level smooth iron road, with well appointed [transportation] [ ] ready to serve Yet the [demand] of business too often blocks [them] all & girdles the great command centers with a wall of [adamant]
13 You cannot leave your business? But you will leave it, there stand those grim fellows Death & his servants the undertaker & prayer saying priest all black in countenance & cloth. Ready to [give] make you ride in the black hearse ornamented with black feather dusters on excursion along the death [line] to the sand beds of [ ] [ ] cemetery an ex [example] a good enough example of all right enough perhaps [if] taken at [in]the right time [fullness of time] but most are taken prematurely for want of rest.
“[Here] is [place] terrific rich” Dilapidated curses Wicked looking country all peaks & [ ] & crags Wooly Hollow Chap Dove cooing soft voice for so harsh a country. I asked if he liked [scenery] Yes like a fine womans face Rest after the battle playing with children Cataract Gulch We rode on horses out on [cliff]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist