"May-August 1876, South Dome Ridge, etc. Image 4" by John Muir


John Muir


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they are born & live & die like flies, like avas [avalanches]. Snow avas [avalanches] slip & rush for a few minutes in magnificent energy & die so do water [avalanches] or rivers the only dif [difference] being [mainly] in time

9 The Forests of Calaveras Out of the hard commercial heart of the town into the soothing balmy woods What a change, from the dead pavements to living rock, from nervous noise commercial blare & glare to the still small voices of Nature. From the hurried iron barred water works [of Spring Vall [Valley] Co] to the Crystal mtn [mountain] ftns [fountains].

How many Exulting on [this] glad centennial [shout of] freedom are yet truly enslaved business bound & weary with no rest this side the grave

I wish I could so proclaim the peace-giving gospel of the woods as to prevail in dragging all people that in towns do dwell to an annual Sabbath in the woods. Americans claim to be law-abiding & sad to say seem capable of being moved only by law. Why then is there no law of rest. We speak of compulsory education for the making of good citizens, why not make compulsory recreation for the same purpose. The last is more necessary. Come to the woods. You may as well leave yr [your] business voluntarily for

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

