"May-August 1876, South Dome Ridge, etc. Image 3" by John Muir


John Muir


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2 small speckled gray bark creeper Cal grove July 9th Robin – woodpecker white head

Alt ridge N.E. side basin Seq [Sequoia] Cal 4900. The rounded [steps] mingled with Sug [Sugar] Pine arms & fir arrows The [four] white summits beyond on head of Stanislaus pine ridges N [North] & S [South] & the Yel [Yellow] plains below

[sketch: Fringed with chamaebatia & Asters & [ ]]

Yew – dark green foliage young yellow sprays drooping on the ends beautifully palmated like silver fir but more open Leguminous Vines, Trientalis, Lupine, Leersia Strawberry Rubus, Hazel (dogwood 2)

Sug [Sugar] pine done flowering July 8th ripe pollen

Roses v ab [very abundant] clover orchards Cal grove v [very] leafy Ground in [low] places equal parts [Trientalis] & lily

7 “Calaveras Mill” 24 stamps – quartz gold silver, & continuing zone blends – 5 ms [miles] N [North] Murphys Camp 14 tons per day, 25 to 40 per ton [D. R.] gravel is found in all sorts of surprising places on ridge trips & beneath [ ] floods of lava in all the Calaveras basin.

On the N [North] of Cave, 3 ms [miles] to the S [South] & on the N [North] rim of the Murphys camp basin, all the way across to the Stanislaus. Lava beds of great thickness occur a few ms [miles] to the North of the Cave & also along the Stanislaus, but the basin between them has been denuded manifesting the vast changes that have been accomplished since the [deed] [ ] were living There were as many old rivers as new Rivers are usually regarded as immortal running from the [mtns] to the sea forever & forever but

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

