
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

"Twenty years ago, Yosemite Valley was a garden wilderness, as tenderly lovely as it is rocky and sublime .... Its waterfalls sing on unchanged ... but all its more accessible features have suffered 'improvement.' Lovers of clean mountain wildness must therefore go up higher, into more inaccessible retreats among the summits of the range."" After comparing the canyons of the western flank of the Sierra with those of the eastern side of the range, Muir describes his first excursion in 1869 into Bloody Canon, ""one of her chain of lakes"" and its ""joyful stream"" that eventually leads him out to Mono Lake. He concludes: ""Nature's love is universal, and nowhere have I heard it proclaimed in more understandable terms than in the hot plains of Mono, and in the rocky and storm-beaten mansions of Bloody Canon."


The Overland Monthly, v. 13, no. 3


pp. 267-273

By-Ways of Yosemite Travel. Bloody Canon.



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