
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

""Nearly all the lofty mountain chains of the globe are inhabited by wild sheep�. In California, the wild sheep ranks among the noblest of animal mountaineers."" Muir relates his several unexpected meetings with these ""mountaineers"" and gives his detailed observations, contrasting wild sheep with domestic ones to the latter's disadvantage. Muir closes his essay noting that mountain sheep have few enemies and writes: "" ... remembering how rapidly whole species of the noble animals are disappearing before the footsteps of man, all lovers of wilderness life will rejoice with me in the rocky security of Ovis montana, the bravest mountaineers of the Sierra.""


The Overland Monthly, v. 12, no. 4


pp. 358-363

Wild Sheep of California.



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