An Unpublished Muir Letter.

An Unpublished Muir Letter.


John Muir


Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

In this chatty, newsworthy letter to Mrs. Annie Bidwell, written April 18, 1902, Muir says: ""I fear we will not be able to see Rancho Chico this summer, as Mrs. M. is not able to travel & the girls are going to the King's River with the Sierra Club Outing in vacation . . . . As for myself nothing would better please me than a visit to your home & great Rancho so full of good and noble associations of the dear Auld Lang Syne-but the Club insists on my helping with the outing-& then of this book writing there is no end . . . . Ever faithfully yours, John Muir"" (Letter, CU-B).


The View from John Muir's Window [Martinez, California], no. 19


pp. 2-3

An Unpublished Muir Letter.



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