
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

""On the 18th, after giving our Hoona friends a little tobacco and rice for the purpose of keeping up 'Klosh tumtum' (kindly feelings), and taking up a long last look at the salmon army in its frantic excelsior march up the rapids, we glided northward along the coast beneath a black dripping rain cloud .... "" After visiting a gold mine in Shuck's Inlet, Muir discusses the current mining activities in Alaska, concluding that the resources of fish, furs, and timber would become important on the world market before that of the mines, due to the many obstacles confronting mining development. Sum Dum Bay is now named Holkam Bay. The entire inlet was proposed and studied for Wilderness classification for several years. Finally, December 20, 1980 it was designated the Tracy Arm Wilderness and late in 1984 was incorporated into the Wilderness system.


San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Oct. 7, 1880


p. 1, col. 1

Alaska Land. A Canoe Voyage Among the Islands and Icebergs. Sum Dum Bay-Enormous Glaciers-Gold Mines-Products and Future Development of Alaska. (Special Correspondence of the Bulletin.) Sum Dum Bay, Alaska, August 22, 1880.



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