"Family Ties and Time Through the Land's Eyes" by HT Fleming, Ryan Lewis et al.

Family Ties and Time Through the Land's Eyes

Document Type

Digital Project

Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2022


This digital exhibit was created as a project for Digital Narratives class at University of the Pacific by Federico Magallanes, Ryan Lewis, and HT Fleming. They sought to tell the histories of these areas through the stories of the people that lived there. Federico is a Engineering Physics Major, Ryan is a Media X Major that aspires to be a film director and actor, HT is a Media X major with minors in writing and Spanish. He plans to pursue a career in screenwriting.


Original website version: https://fmagallanes4.wixsite.com/digital-narrative-pr

Notes: If this no longer works, use the main "Link" button to access an archived version on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

