Scholarly Commons - Gender & Race Student Research Conference: Defining National Morality: The Role of Feminine Gender and Space Within Indian Cinema

Defining National Morality: The Role of Feminine Gender and Space Within Indian Cinema

Author Type

Undergraduate Student


University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

Start Date

9-25-2010 1:30 PM

End Date

9-25-2010 3:00 PM

Presentation Type



Gender and Sexuality | Race and Ethnicity | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology


Part of Session II: Morality and Transgressions in Film and Literature. Chair: Dr. Andreea Boboc (English).

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Sep 25th, 1:30 PM Sep 25th, 3:00 PM

Defining National Morality: The Role of Feminine Gender and Space Within Indian Cinema

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A