2010 Gender, Race and Space Conference | Gender & Race Student Research Conference

Gender, Race and Space Concept

The purpose of the conference was to examine the connections of gender, race and space in modern society.

Undergraduate students embraced the opportunity to present their own research at Pacific's "Gender, Race and Space Conference" on September 25, 2010. About 100 people attended the conference, which took place in the De Rosa Center. In all, 30 students participated as presenters: 26 from Pacific and 4 from Stanford University.

The conference was organized by the Gender Studies Program (directed by Professor Gesine Gerhard) and the Ethnic Studies Program (directed by Professor Xiaojing Zhou). It was co-sponsored by the GHES Center, Humanities Center, Phi Beta Kappa, CAPD, College Pacific Fund, College Dean's Office, and the University of the Pacific Library. Support from students, staff and faculty from these organizations helped make the conference a success.

The theme of the conference was the production and transformation of living spaces through social relations and interactions, policies, and representations at the local, national, or global level. A call for papers went out in spring 2010, and students were asked to submit brief abstracts of their proposed research by June 1. Final papers were due mid-September.

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Saturday, September 25th
9:00 AM

Registration, Breakfast

Gender & Race Student Research Conference

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

9:30 AM


Gesine Gerhard, University of the Pacific
Xiaojing Zhou, University of the Pacific
Cynthia Dobbs, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

9:30 AM - 9:50 AM

10:00 AM

Alone in America. Representation and Identity of Chinese American Immigrants

Courtney Frost, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Disney Fairytales: More That Just Harmless Fun

Alicia Still, University of the Pacific
Monica Cortez-Guardado, University of the Pacific
Theresa Cortez-Guardado, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Negotiating Dualisms: Indigenous Women and Ecofeminism in an Era of Climate Change

Janani Balasubramaniam, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Not Photo Shopped: A Media Literacy Group for Adolescent Girls

Andres Nunez, University of the Pacific
Emily Redding, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Read It and Weep: the Incidence of Rape in College Campuses

Robin Lee, University of the Pacific
Bethany Mackenzie, University of the Pacific
Marie-Clare Treseder, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Shirts vs. Skins: A Content Analysis of Gender in Sports Illustrated Front Covers 1999-2009

Dara Tarawahara, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Threat Level Red: Menstrual Product Advertising and Attitudes About the Body

Lynda Lowry, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

10:00 AM

Toys and Gender Roles

Stephanie Douglass, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

11:30 AM

Earliest Words Produced and Understood in Bilingual Hmong/English Speaking Infants/Toddlers

Mary Xiong, University of the Pacific
Jeannene Ward-Lonergan, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

11:30 AM

Femicide in Ciudad Juarez Mexico: United States Making Profit in Ciudad Juarez and Not Taking Responsibility

Jose Lopez, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

11:30 AM

The Making of a Movement: LGBTQ Community Organizing in South Korea

Charles Syms, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

11:30 AM

Understanding Racial Inequality in Higher Education

Tara Ignont, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

12:00 PM

Competing Representations of Chinatown: A Raced and Gendered Space

Xiaojing Zhou, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom B

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

12:00 PM

Fatal Attraction: Gender, 'Place' and the Korean War in Niagara (1953)

Merrill Schleier, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom B

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

12:00 PM


Gender & Race Student Research Conference

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom B

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

12:00 PM

Travelogue as Traumalogue: Space, Place and Memory in Hitchcock's Vertigo

Diane Borden, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom B

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM

Building with the Trowel of Your Pen: A Spatial Reading of Myth, Reality, and Ethos in the Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan

Alyssa Baldocchi, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Day of the Women: Avengers in Rape-Revenge Films and the Fascination of Male Moviegoers

Jessica Tran, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Defining National Morality: The Role of Feminine Gender and Space Within Indian Cinema

Stephanie Mohr, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Effects of Porn

Rachel Westerhoff, University of the Pacific
Hillary Andrade, University of the Pacific
Amber Stern, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Escalante: The Best Teacher in America

Lauren Elward, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 215

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Identities Claimed, Identities Assigned: Transgender Subjectives in Raymond's The Transsexual Empire and Stone's The Empire Strikes Back

Charles Syms, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Intersex in American Society

Elena McDonald-Martyn, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Literary Portrayals of Immigrant Widows Challenging the Tradition of Subjectivity in Asian American Literature

Nicole Chorney, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Sarah Flannery, A Mathematical Journey

Nga Tran, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 215

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Twentieth Century Female Beauty Standards Affecting the Beauty Paradox of the Twenty-first Century

Catherine Collett, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 211

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

1:30 PM

Winnie Cooper says Kiss my Math!

Keri Woodhouse, University of the Pacific

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Room 215

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM

Keynote Address: Reading Race and Gender in Everyday Landscapes

Mary Ting Yi Lui, Yale University

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom B

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

4:00 PM


Gender & Race Student Research Conference

University of the Pacific - DeRosa University Center - Ballroom A

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM