Volume 6, Issue 1 (1993)
Front Matters
Volume 6, Title Page, 1993
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 6, Issue #1, Table of Contents
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Notes
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Integration and Disintegration in Europe: Reordering the Treaty Map of the Continent
George K. Walker
The Russian Federation Law on Regulation of the Securities Markets
Karl William Viehe, Richard P. Bernard, Allan Roth, and Yan Melkumov
"Fortress Europe" in the Telecommunications Sector as a Consequence of "Europe 1992": Reality or Imagination?
Marc Andre Al
Poland Joins the Queue to European Integration
Robert F. Taylor and Zbigniew Marek Czarny
Exploring American Depository Receipts: The International Augmentation of U.S. Securities Markets
Douglas B. Spoors
The Maquiladoras and Hazardous Waste: The Effects under NAFTA
Stephen M. Lerner
U.S. Biotechnology Intellectual Property Rights as an Obstacle to the UNCED Convention of Biological Diversity: It Just Doesn't Matter
Adam L. Streltzer
The Major Projects Arrangements -- Is it a Solution to Japan's Closed Construction Market?
R. Allen Ennis Jr.
Using United States Antitrust Laws Against the Keiretsu as a Wedge into the Japanese Market.
Julie A. Shepard
The Chaos of International Insolvency -- Achieving Reciprocal Universality under Section 304 or MIICA
Universality under Section 304 or MIICA
Tandi A. Panuska
A New Look at Fundamental Human Rights in the European Commission's Investigation Procedure: Joined Cases 46/87 and 227/88
Christian B. Green
Choice of Law, Choice of Forum, and Arbitration Clauses Override U.S. Security Rights: Riley v. Kingsley Underwriting Agencies, Ltd.
Kristine M. Padan
California's Franchise Tax Board: A Bull in the International
China Shop. Barclays Bank International, Ltd. v. Franchise
Tax Board
David Greenberg
Book Reviews
Book Review Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States: The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace. By James M. Zimmerman
Robert A. Hawley
Book Review Investor Response to Management Decisions: A Research Based Analysis of Actions and Effects. By Richard M. Altman
August D. Smith
Book List
Books Received
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law