Volume 1, Issue 1 (1988)
Front Matters
The Transnational Lawyer, Volume 1, Issue #1, 1988
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #1, Masthead
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #1, Table of Contents
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Volume 1, Issue #1, Preface
Gordon D. Schaber
Governor's Preface
George Deukmejian
The Use of Civil RICO in International Arbitration: Some Thoughts after Shearson/American Express v. McMahon
Robert M. Jarvis
Accidents Do Happen: Hazardous Technology and International Tort Litigation
Stephen C. McCaffrey
Couseling Mexican Exporters to the United States
Ewell E. Murphy Jr.
Structuring Mexican Exports to the United States: A Checklist of Objectives, Problems, and Strategies Under United States Law
Ewell E. Murphy Jr.
Communications and Copyright in Canada and the U.S.: A Survey of Current Law and Proposals for Change
Barbara L. Waite
Special Considerations in International Licensing Agreements
Elmer J. Stone and Kenneth H. Slade
Joint-Ventures in the Soviet Union under the New Regime-Boom or Bust
Karl William Viehe
The Role of Party-Appointed Arbitrators in International Arbitration: The Experience of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
Richard M. Mosk
The Procedure for Obtaining Evidence in England and Wales for Use in United States Proceedings
Peter Summerfield and Steven Loble
Extraterritorial Application of Securities Regulations: Territorialism in the Wake of the October 1987 Market Crash
Douglas B. Spoors