Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Utilization of Hopeless Teeth for Orthodontic Anchorage

Lead Author Program & Year

Graduate Orthodontics

Additional Authors

Dr. Esha Patel

Presentation Category



This patient has an extensive history in UOP’s main clinic involving multiple restorations, endodontic treatment, and extractions dating back to 2017. She presented to the orthodontic clinic with a chief concern of wanting to better align her teeth prior to implant placement. The patient had a missing lower left 1st premolar and upper left 2nd premolar due to previous extractions. Both upper lateral incisors were endodontically treated prior to becoming a patient at UOP and had decayed to the gum line with a hopeless prognosis. The patient was diagnosed with skeletal bimaxillary protrusion and bilateral class III molar malocclusion. She elected to have 2 premolars extracted in her upper right and lower right quadrants in order to close all of the premolar spaces orthodontically while resolving the malocclusion and reducing the number of future implant restorations. To achieve sufficient anchorage for space closure and provide a temporary esthetic solution, post and core build ups were completed on the hopeless upper lateral incisors to utilize them orthodontically prior to extraction. This case was started in 2021 and treated primarily with full fixed appliances. Powerchains, NiTi coil springs, and class III elastics were used to close the extraction spaces and achieve class I occlusion. This patient is now in the finishing and detailing stages of orthodontic treatment with an estimated completion date of June 2024 at which point placement of both upper lateral incisor implants will begin. I would like to thank Dr. Brian Payne for his supervision of this case. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Robert Voorhees for starting this case and Dr. Stephanie Jung for her incredible progress on this case. Lastly, I would like to thank my patient for her persistence and patience throughout her treatment.


Presentation Category: Residents: Orthodontics


Arthur A Dugoni School of Dentistry, 155 5th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA



Included in

Dentistry Commons


May 8th, 2:15 PM May 8th, 5:00 PM

Utilization of Hopeless Teeth for Orthodontic Anchorage

Arthur A Dugoni School of Dentistry, 155 5th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

This patient has an extensive history in UOP’s main clinic involving multiple restorations, endodontic treatment, and extractions dating back to 2017. She presented to the orthodontic clinic with a chief concern of wanting to better align her teeth prior to implant placement. The patient had a missing lower left 1st premolar and upper left 2nd premolar due to previous extractions. Both upper lateral incisors were endodontically treated prior to becoming a patient at UOP and had decayed to the gum line with a hopeless prognosis. The patient was diagnosed with skeletal bimaxillary protrusion and bilateral class III molar malocclusion. She elected to have 2 premolars extracted in her upper right and lower right quadrants in order to close all of the premolar spaces orthodontically while resolving the malocclusion and reducing the number of future implant restorations. To achieve sufficient anchorage for space closure and provide a temporary esthetic solution, post and core build ups were completed on the hopeless upper lateral incisors to utilize them orthodontically prior to extraction. This case was started in 2021 and treated primarily with full fixed appliances. Powerchains, NiTi coil springs, and class III elastics were used to close the extraction spaces and achieve class I occlusion. This patient is now in the finishing and detailing stages of orthodontic treatment with an estimated completion date of June 2024 at which point placement of both upper lateral incisor implants will begin. I would like to thank Dr. Brian Payne for his supervision of this case. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Robert Voorhees for starting this case and Dr. Stephanie Jung for her incredible progress on this case. Lastly, I would like to thank my patient for her persistence and patience throughout her treatment.


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