Lead Author Affiliation

International Dental Studies Program

Lead Author Program & Year

IDS Year 2

Presentation Category



To evaluate the effect of four polishing methods on the surface gloss of a composite.

Methods/Treatment Plan

A total of thirty disks of composite Filtek Supreme Ultra B1(3M) were made and light cured for 40s using Elipar S10(3M). The disks were sanded to a uniform surface finish using 320 grid SiC paper. Specimens were assigned randomly to 5 groups(n=6) where four groups received a polishing finish. 1.Control group (no treatment), 2. Rockstar system(BIOCLEAR), 3. Soflex mylar discs(3M)-ASAP Wheels(Clinician’s-choice), 4. Minnow MCOMP blue and white (Henry-Schein-Dental), 5. Brownie/Greenie (Patterson-Dental) followed by bristle brush (Dental-Ventures-of-America) impregnated with CompoDotz medium (Patterson-Dental) followed by linen buff without any material(Dental-Ventures-of-America). Groups 2 to 5 have been polished for a total working time of 6 min. Samples were mounted and sputter coated with a 10 nm Au/Pd coat using an SC7620 Mini Sputter Coater by Quorum Technologies. Images were captured using a Zeiss EVO 50 Scanning Electron Microscope at 500x. Surface analysis was done using Image J 1.53k NIH, USA software. The ratio of the polished surface versus the less polished surface on a distinguished gray scale was determined based on the SEM images. ANOVA-ONE-WAY and Bonferoni-corrected t-test was used for statistical analysis.


All polishing methods showed statistically significant better polished surfaces compared to the control samples(p≤0.05). Among the polishing groups no significant differences were found except for the Rockstar group vs Minnow MCOMP group(p=0.006). The most polished surface area was seen in Rockstar(2.1),followed by ASAP(1.8),followed by Greenie/Brownie(1.6),followed by Minnow MCOMP(1.5).


In this study all polishing methods have been used on the same composite Filtec Supreme for better comparisons. The outcome might be different for different composites. All methods exhibited a high surface gloss when examined with the naked eye. This SEM study filtered out a difference between two commercially available polishing methods.


Dr. Karen Schulze, Dr. Patrick Roetzer, Scott Davis



Included in

Dentistry Commons


May 25th, 8:00 AM May 25th, 5:00 PM

In-Vitro Composite Surface Analysis Using Foru Polishing Systems A SEM STUDY

To evaluate the effect of four polishing methods on the surface gloss of a composite.


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