Restoring severely worn dentition with direct restorations and removable prosthodontics to a desirable esthetic outcome
Presentation Category
Restorative (Direct/Indirect), Removable
Middle-aged aesthetically-focused new patient presents with severely worn teeth and root tips due to caries and erosion. Patient has collapsed vertical dimension and lack of upper lip support. Patient wants to restore molars and smile. Patient has limited financial resources.
Methods/Treatment Plan
Phased extractions
Composite incisal build ups on mandibular teeth #22-28
Mandibular removable partial denture
Maxillary immediate upper denture
Able to reestablish function, facial support, and esthetics through combination of direct restorative and removable prosthodontics.
In the appropriate patient situation, dental practitioners can use minimal direct restorations and removable prosthodontics to achieve results that satisfy patients' functional, esthetic and financial needs. This treatment demonstrates the difference appropriate dental intervention can make in our patient’s lies. It’s an example of the University of the Pacific dental school’s head, heart, and hands philosophy.
Restoring severely worn dentition with direct restorations and removable prosthodontics to a desirable esthetic outcome
Middle-aged aesthetically-focused new patient presents with severely worn teeth and root tips due to caries and erosion. Patient has collapsed vertical dimension and lack of upper lip support. Patient wants to restore molars and smile. Patient has limited financial resources.