Examining the outcomes of equalizing critical theory in educational leadership programming
Document Type
Conference Presentation
Conference Title
American Educational Research Association
San Francisco, CA
Conference Dates
April 7-11, 2006
Date of Presentation
This paper describes some of the key findings of a study focused on students perceptions of the relevancy and usefulness of diversity issues and curriculum centered in critical theory not just being included, but also equalized in their Ed.D. leadership preparation program. After two years of coursework in which critical theory has been integrally woven among traditional educational leadership topics, students report on the ways in which they believe their biases and pre-existing assumptions have shifted and subsequently how their leadership behaviors have been transformed.
Recommended Citation
Mountford, Meredith L.; Young, Michelle D.; Skrla, Linda E.; Piveral, Joyce; and Hutchinson, Sandy L., "Examining the outcomes of equalizing critical theory in educational leadership programming" (2006). Benerd College Faculty Presentations. 127.
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