
July 20. large house is built, We came to thisconclusion, on account of the highprice of materials, together, with theshortness of the time before the rainyseason will set in. My health isvery good indeed. I am enjoying myself finely, in the midst of cares andperplexities.July 21. Saturday. The Doctor commenced onthe new house today. He workedso hard digging the cellar, that hewas very much fatigued, anddid not rest well through thenight.July 22. Sunday, Received a call from Mr.and Mrs. Lord, this morning,before church. Went to meeting, andsaw Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, anda daughter Mrs. Sheppard, Mr. andMrs. Batey, Mrs and Mrs. Comptonand Mrs. Flood. Dr. Candersof Stockton preached for us fromMatt. 13. 57. "Things which becomecommon to us, lose their influenceupon us." Then I think, if ever Ienjoy again Sabbaths and Sabbathprivileges, I shall prize them muchmore than formerly. After sermon,July 22. we had a Sabbath school. Mr. Wheel.Lock, who before has been the superintendent,resigned the office, andMr. Barton was chosen to fill it.Doctor was first nominated, butresigned, not from want of interest,but because he must necessarilybe often absent to attendthe sick. I returned home wishingI could do something to makesociety better here, but wonderingwhat it might be, May the Lorddirect me in doing some good.July 23. My Coffey, one of our neighbors, calledtoday, and took dinner with us. Mr.Wheelock was also here. He is a greattalker, but if he would spend moretime in thinking he would talk moresensibly.July 24. Mrs. Smith of Stockton came. thismorning, and spent the day with me.She is a young lady from Missouri,very observing and imitative. In theevening we went in company with herto visit Mrs. Holman. Passed the timevery pleasantly in singing and conversation,and returned home at a late hour.I am happy to meet the ladies here.
Date Original
July 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal