
July 14. for the benefit of others. May she reapa rich reward, in feeling that she hasdone her duty, although she maynot be permitted to see the goodresulting from it.July 15. Sabbath. This morning Mr. andMrs. Burt came to see us from Drytown,30 miles from here; and wentwith us to Sabbath School. Today theSchool was larger and more interestingthan before: indeed. I thought,as I was sitting there, that I never enjoyedmyself better in N. E. We wenton horseback, Dr. and I, strange indeedit might seem to my N. E. friends.We had a very pleasant visit fromour friends, who stopped at Mr.Holman's last night.July 16. This morning our friends left usand I went about my work, feelingbetter contented than I havedone before. How much I haveto be thankful for! My dear husbandis so kind and attentive I canbut be happy when with him; andother things I am resolved to make, ifpossible, subservient to any happiness.Today I received three lettersJuly 16. from home, one from Mother, anotherfrom Susan, and another from AugustaDear Sister! she is so lonely now. Mayshe have that Precious Saviour, who, "aboveall others, deserves the name of Friend,"to comfort and encourage her in herarduous labors. I read her letter onthe back of my pacer, Prince Albert,Mother says that dear little Claraoften speaks of me, and loves to lookat our miniatures. They all miss meso much at home, and I miss them somuch. I can only wish them as muchhappiness as I am myself enjoying.July 18. Wednesday. Pleasant comfortable weather.A rattlesnake was killed on the Ranchthis morning, and one yesterday. I hadan opportunity of examining this one. Itwas an ugly-looking thing with eight rattles.The Dr. went to Double Springs todaya distance of over twenty miles. He wasnot sure of returning the same day, butarrived home about 10 o'clock in the evening.Father is gaining health fast now.July 20. After much deliberation, we this daydecided to build a small house on thesite on which the large house is to beerected, and wait a while before the
Date Original
July 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal