
31.- they had heard from the Dr,since he has been at Bostonwhich I have not. He wasnot well, had a very badcough. I hope to see him today.Started at quarter pasttwo on a ride to So. Braintreewith Franklin and Sarah.Arrived there at 3, just 3minutes before the time forthe cars. They soon came upand F. went through themexpecting to see the Dr. Buthe was not there! so I gotin and rode out again andreached home, having beengone but 1 hour and a half.Called on Grandmother and31.- Aunt Olive, and arrivedhome to meet Mrs. Allenand the Dr. Was so glad tosee them. He brought a Melodeon,so we had a littlemusic. Received calls fromFidelia and Deacon Ford,Packed all my clothing foran early start in the morningJune 1. Bade all my Abingtonfriends goodbye and startedon my long journey. Stoppedit So. Abington until 10. All,then took the cars to Bridgewater.This is a very beautifulvillage, the prettiest I haveever seen in Massachusetts.The streets are straight and
Date Original
Dates Covered
1855 (May-July)
Original diary dimensions: 9.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal