
28 - also, one from Aunt Oliveentitled "Daughters of theCross."May 29. Tuesday, Called on Miss M.Church and Grandmother,and received calls from Anneand Betsey, Eliga A. Wood,Catherine Wales and BetseyNoyes, Mrs. Holbrook, Mrs.Clark and Mary Ann. Augustacame over and spent thenight with me. Received 3books as parting presents, onefrom Mother, "Songs for theLittle Ones at Home."May 30. My birthday. I am this day19 years old. Little did I thinka year ago, that on my next30. - birthday. I should be a marriedwoman: and that Ishould be so soon startingfor such a long journey.Father and mother have goneto Boston today to get theirdaguerreotypes taken. Did notreturn until 9 o'clock in theevening. Received calls fromMiss Young. Mary LizzieBetsey Ann Holbrook, Anneand Grandmother.May 31. Thursday. Saw today Franklinand Sarah. They came fromNashua today stopped at So.Braintree, and took a horseand carriage to Abington, andarrived there about 1 o'clock. Said
Date Original
Dates Covered
1855 (May-July)
Original diary dimensions: 9.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal