"Teaching Preparation for the Portfolio Career" by Keith Hatschek and Jonathan Latta

Teaching Preparation for the Portfolio Career

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Title

College Music Society


Santa Fe, NM

Conference Dates

October 27-29, 2016

Date of Presentation



Where does the career of the performing musician intersect with the music industry? One place is in the development of a successful portfolio career. Today the musician's "job" is to wear different hats. Many times these hats will require a musician to interface with different areas of the music industry. Musicians may find themselves working in arts advocacy, outreach, concert promotion, or in recording arts, just to pay the bills and keep their projects afloat. This presentation by Keith Hatschek, Music Management Program Director at University of the Pacific, and Jonathan Latta, Assistant Dean for the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music and freelance percussionist, will provide examples of successful portfolio musicians as well as discuss how we can better prepare our students for this landscape in their future careers. The presentation will discuss the presenters' experience teaching a career development class for performance majors and to highlight current practices that may be valuable in teaching future performers how to effectively navigate the complex world of the music industry. Additionally, we will look to pose questions on how to best continue the learning process in different areas of our teaching such as applied lessons, ensembles, or classroom instruction. It is our goal to stimulate a discussion on the role of being a portfolio musician in today's society. Also, to better understand how educators can provide tools that will empower our students to become their own brand managers and to develop into diverse, successful, and fulfilled musicians. We will present 35 minutes of material and then open the discussion to the audience for 20 minutes of prepared questions to engage the attendees.
