Scholarly Commons - X-Boundaries: See Us. Hear Us.: Full event recording

Full event recording

Presenter Information

University of the Pacific

Document Type



Tiger Lounge, Grace Covell


College of the Pacific is taking the lead in inaugurating a new public lecture series, X-Boundaries, that will showcase our finest faculty from across the University discussing current controversial topics from their various perspectives. We hope you will join us for our first panel on terror.

Four of our faculty, John Sims from the McGeorge School of Law, Jeff Becker (Political Science), George Randels (Religious Studies), and Cosana Eram (Modern Languages) will speak briefly on the perspectives and prospects related to this global issue.

How has terror changed us?

What are its present cultural, legal, ethical and political consequences?

Are there any widely-accepted tools to mitigate terror?

Then the floor will be open for the whole community to examine the future – beyond these gates.


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Mar 1st, 5:00 PM Mar 1st, 6:30 PM

Full event recording

Tiger Lounge, Grace Covell

College of the Pacific is taking the lead in inaugurating a new public lecture series, X-Boundaries, that will showcase our finest faculty from across the University discussing current controversial topics from their various perspectives. We hope you will join us for our first panel on terror.

Four of our faculty, John Sims from the McGeorge School of Law, Jeff Becker (Political Science), George Randels (Religious Studies), and Cosana Eram (Modern Languages) will speak briefly on the perspectives and prospects related to this global issue.

How has terror changed us?

What are its present cultural, legal, ethical and political consequences?

Are there any widely-accepted tools to mitigate terror?

Then the floor will be open for the whole community to examine the future – beyond these gates.