Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Counseling and School Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Justin Low

First Committee Member

Dr. Amanda Sharpe

Second Committee Member

Dr. Amy Scott Brown


The rise of social media has led to an increase in social media use and social media addiction. Research has found that social media addiction is influenced by various factors, and this study looks to examine the relation between social media addiction and users' life satisfaction, personality type and age group; and whether the type of social media platform moderates this relationship. This study dispersed survey questionnaires and conducted an ANCOVA to analyze the results. Results found that life satisfaction and social media addiction are negatively related, but the negative relation is larger for Twitter users. Results also found a positive correlation between Extraversion and Twitter users, and a negative correlation between Extraversion and Non-Snapchat users. There was no relation found for non-Twitter users and Snapchat Users and Extraversion. Additionally, this study found that Neuroticism and social media addiction are positively related. However, this relation is stronger for Twitter users. Finally, this study found that younger generations report more social media addiction across social media platforms except Facebook and TikTok. Suggesting that there is no relation between social media addiction and one's generation for Facebook and TikTok users.





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