Undated Cartoon - "Daiffy"
Undated cartoon titled "DAIFFY" with 6 panels.
First panel (with title in red striped bubble letters) depicts a man in a red striped pajama shirt and bowler hat lying in bed, slapping an alarm clock on a small table.
The second panel depicts the same man now in a tank top and bowler hat, carrying a toothbrush and toothpaste with a towel slung over his arm passing by several houses.
The third panel depicts the same man stopping in alarm in front of a door labelled "Women." He has dropped the toothbrush and toothpaste and is holding his hands out in front of him. Sweat is dripping from his face, his bowler hat has blown upwards, and there are exclamation points above his head.
The fourth panel (below first) depicts this man in front of a long bathroom sink with mirror. There are question marks above his head.
The fifth panel depicts him taking a swing at his own reflection, swiping in front of and past the mirror. There are exclamation points and various symbols signifying cursing above his head.
The sixth and final panel depicts the reflection reaching through the mirror and punching him in the face. There are stars above his head, and his bowler hat has been blown upwards.
The Daily Tulean Dispatch, October 26, 1944 (Clipping) - Procedure to Renounce Citizenship Operative
Clipping of article from The Tulean Dispatch from the October 26, 1944 issue. The article is titled, "Procedure to Renounce Citizenship Operative: Renunciation Process Reviewed."
The Tulean Dispatch, August, 1943 Supplement: Corrections to Segregation Pamphlet
The Tulean Dispatch undated Supplement issue, circa mid-August 1943. Article entitled "Corrections to Segregation Pamphlet."
This is a collection of newspapers from the Tule Lake Relocation Center, also called the Tule Lake Segregation Center. This material was collected by Dr. Jacoby. Dr. Harold Jacoby was a Professor of Sociology and Dean of the College of the Pacific (1933-1969). Jacoby was also a member of the staff of the Tule Lake Relocation Center in California (1942).
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