The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) supports faculty-mentored undergraduate research during the summer. This is an opportunity for students to work with a faculty mentor on a research topic relevant to their interests and educational goals during the summer. The expectation is that students will devote 8-10 weeks of full-time effort to the project. Students will present their research findings to other SURF recipients during events in the summer and fall. Students will receive a $4000 stipend, $750 in housing allowance, and up to $500 for research supplies, and mentors will receive a $1000 stipend. Whether a student is a seasoned researcher or this is their first undergraduate research project – SURF is a great chance to expand their educational experience.
Awards from 2010
Development of a Collaborative Network Data Analysis and Visualization Platform for Effective Intrusion Detection, Huaguan Song
Intercultural Communication in an International Classroom in Korea, Joseph Styers
Awards from 2009
An Assessment or Carbon Sequestrtion in Relation to Forest Management Strategies in the Sierra Nevada, Tina Autry
The Medellin Experience: The Role of Hard and Civic Power in Community Revitalization, Nabeel Cajee
Mild vs Intensive social skills training in connection with behavioral parent training, Rouchann Jackson
Analysis of Protein Bioiomarkers for Oral Cancer, Daniel Lu
Using Illite crystallinity to determine maximum temperature conditions of rocks exhumed along the Tokai thrust fault, Nankai Trough, Japan, Kari McLaughlin
Dreams in the Night - Steampunk jewelry for "A Midsumm's Night Dream, Ginger Mooney
Rehabilitation of Wood Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, Alvin Tan
Awards from 2008
EUPHORAH, George Brais
The impact of fires on the biogeochemical properties of soils, Jason Dupere
Assessment of Water Quality and Land Use in the Salmon Creek Watershed, Anne Fisher
Voter Education Project, Rachael Freeman
Navigation of Virtual Worlds: A Comparison of Maps, Signs, Directions and Markers, Todd Heino
The action of metronidazole in Trichomonas vaginals, Katelin Kehoe
A Study on the Effect of Machining Conditions on Machined Surfaces, Chris Kerth