Aeko Yoshikawa
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Ethnic Group
Native American
There are many cultures in the world with defined guidelines that determine whether one is an adult or still a child. From that determination, the law and society will treat one as an adult with adult responsibilities. Native American tribes signify one’s adulthood in a variety of different ways depending on specific tribal traditions. Ernestine grew up on a small reservation where her family made a home. On the peaceful reservation, Ernestine was allowed to wander and play. She and her family were involved with their tribes traditions that had been handed down for generations…
Oral History, Stockton - CA, California, Native American, History
This oral history is part of the STOCKTONSpeaks! Project that ran from 2002-2005 in Stockton, CA. You can read more about STOCKTONSpeaks! on the homepage and the About page.
Recommended Citation
D'Anza, Jessica. "Perez Family: Ernestine Cardenas (Middle)". (2005). STOCKTONSpeaks! Native American Stories. Oral History 2.

Included in
Community-Based Research Commons, Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Ethnic Studies Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Indigenous Studies Commons, Oral History Commons, Other American Studies Commons, Place and Environment Commons, Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Regional Sociology Commons
Margaret Perez (Elder)
Francisco Cardenas (Youth)