Dianne Gini
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Ethnic Group
Hmong American
Toubee Yang is a Stockton citizen who traveled over the ocean from his birthplace to find a new home and culture that he now embraces. His life is memorable partly because of the experiences he has had traveling and learning about the culture of the United States. His story is about a family broken in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, of a child growing up in a nation that did not readily respect his heritage, and also as a refugee in a totally foreign environment…
Oral History, Stockton - CA, California, Hmong American, History
This oral history is part of the STOCKTONSpeaks! Project that ran from 2002-2005 in Stockton, CA. You can read more about STOCKTONSpeaks! on the homepage and the About page.
Recommended Citation
Gelber, Andrew. "Lo Family: Toubee Yang (Middle)". (2005). STOCKTONSpeaks! Hmong American Stories. Oral History 5.

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Asian American Studies Commons, Community-Based Research Commons, Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Ethnic Studies Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Oral History Commons, Other American Studies Commons, Place and Environment Commons, Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Regional Sociology Commons
Teng Lo (Elder)
William Yang (Youth)