"Pech Family: Rottana Prak (Youth)" by Danielle Bosch


Alma Riego



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Ethnic Group

Cambodian American




All over the country, at this very moment, parents are asking their children for help with the chores. And all over the country, teenagers are…turning up their headphones, or heading for the door. Or, if they’re like Rottana Prak, they are simply saying “Yes.” Rottana is a typical high school student who likes to spend time with her friends, enjoys music and movies, and is interested in X-treme sports. But she is also a teenager who knows her roots. She knows what her family endured in Cambodia as their beautiful homeland was shattered by war and the brutalities of the Khmer Rouge…


Oral History, Stockton - CA, California, Cambodian American, History


This oral history is part of the STOCKTONSpeaks! Project that ran from 2002-2005 in Stockton, CA. You can read more about STOCKTONSpeaks! on the homepage and the About page.

Pech Family: Rottana Prak (Youth)



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