"NedWind 25 Blade Testing at NREL for the European Standards Measuremen" by Scott M. Larwood, Walter Musial et al.

NedWind 25 Blade Testing at NREL for the European Standards Measurement and Testing Program

Document Type



Mechanical Engineering

Report Number



National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Publication Date


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In the mid-90's the European Community initiated the Standards, Measurements, and Testing (SMT) program to harmonize testing and measurement procedures in several industries. Within the program, a project was carried out called the European Wind Turbine Testing Procedure Development (EWTTPD).The second part of that project, called Blade Test Methods and Techniques, included the United States and was devised to help blade-testing laboratories harmonize their testing methods. The project supported the need for comparison of the testing procedures used at the different laboratories, and, on this basis, supported the work of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Each of the individual laboratories benefited by having its procedures evaluated and accepted internationally, while they were able to observe, first hand, the methods used by others.

Three European Union member states and the United States participated in this project. The project was called SMT for short. Five laboratories were represented including RIS∅ (Denmark), the Center for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES--Greece), the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands), the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL--United States). CRES and NREL tested two blades while the other laboratories tested one blade. NREL, an invited member of this project voluntarily used internal funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.
