"Then and now: Past experience echoed in university computing teachers'" by Sally Fincher and Sebastian Dziallas

Then and now: Past experience echoed in university computing teachers' current practice

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Computer Science

Conference Title

6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium: Translating Research into Practice, REES 2015


Dublin, Ireland

Conference Dates

July 13-15, 2015

Date of Presentation



Individual experiences, and the sense we make of them, shape who we are. For educators, experiential narratives affect both their day-to-day practice - the way they teach - and also the kind and quality of changes they make to their practice. In this work, we draw on data collected as part of a longitudinal study for the Sharing Practice project to explore how teachers' experiences are "echoed" in their current practice. We describe the concept of 'pedagogic stance' and propose ways in which it may be identified. We suggest that an understanding of pedagogic stance may enable researchers to affect educators' practice more effectively.
