"#26: Maternal Mental Health and OT with Dr. Carlin Reaume (CE Course)" by Carlin D. Reaume and Sarah Lyon

#26: Maternal Mental Health and OT with Dr. Carlin Reaume (CE Course)


Occupational Therapy


Research is backing up what many of us are experiencing in our communities: the pandemic is exacerbating mental health issues. And, one can imagine how this would be true for new mothers—so many families’ birth experiences have been drastically impacted by COVID protocols, followed by increased isolation once the family arrives home. The article we will be discussing in this one-hour podcast course is a call to action to support the positive mental health of new mothers, particularly during this pandemic. Whether you approach this topic as a pediatric OT, an OT who specializes in maternal mental health, a parent yourself, or simply an involved community member, I think there are important takeaways for all of us. After reviewing the article, we will welcome Dr. Carlin Reaume, OTD, OTR/L, PMH-C, PCES. Carlin is an occupational therapist, maternal wellness specialist, and owner of Supported Mama. Her and I will discuss ways you can support maternal wellness in your traditional OT practice, and ways for you to become even more deeply involved in this practice area.

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 1-27-2022

Publication Title

OT Potential Podcast
